Saturday, February 4, 2012

Xp3 is a combination of synthetic resins and organic compounds that works effectively with all classes of gasoline and diesel fuels.

ECONOMICAL - Reduces fuel consumption and maintenance costs
EFFICIENT - Disperses water and improves combustion
ECOLOGICAL - Reduces fumes and toxic emissions

  • Increases engine power
  • Stabilizes light and heavy oils
  • Has a detergent and antioxidant effect
  • Reduces corrosion and increases the life of your engine
  • Improves engine starting and avoids pre-ignition
  • Improves the stabilization, lubricity and detergency of the fuel
  • Works with all classes of gasoline and diesel fuel
  • Does not contain any aromatics or naphtha
  • 100% biodegradable
  • Improves the pour point
  • Avoids fuel freezing during winter
                                                     Fuel Enhancer Reduce Emmissions

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